Rules and regulations
The Prix des Hivernales is an international Classical and Contemporary Dance competition. It offers young dancers, aged between 12 and 19 years old, a unique opportunity to present their work in front of a jury composed exclusively of world-famous Dancers, most of whom are Principals.
Girls or boys, classical and/or contemporary
Candidates aged from 12 to 13 years old: free variation lasting a maximum of 2 minutes, girls on pointe
No accessories - CORYPHEE Category
Candidates aged from 14 to 15 years old: free variation lasting a maximum of 2 minutes, girls on pointe
No accessories - PRINCIPAL Category
Candidates aged from 16 to 19 years old: repertoire variation for classical and free variation lasting 2min30 at most for contemporary
Authorised accessories for repertoire variations that require them - ENSEMBLE Category (classical or contemporary)
Minimum 2 persons, open to all ages: choreography lasting a maximum of 5 minutes
No accessories
Competitors must register for the category matching their exact age on the date of the competition, 22 March 2025*.
A candidate can apply for several disciplines and categories*.
Candidates must abide by the maximum length of the variations and can only overrun by a few seconds to fit the music.
The stage will be available to all the corresponding participants for 15 minutes before each category.
At the end of each category, all the corresponding participants will be called on stage.
* Please note that if you are a winner of a previous edition, please refer to the “Prizes” section of the rules to check which category you should enter.
Candidates who wish to enter the competition should complete the online registration form and send a video representing their work, not in costume, in MP4 format or via a YouTube link by midnight on 10 January 2025 at the latest. The name of the candidate or group will be indicated in the name of the file or video. A fixed fee of €35 per video will be charged for pre-selection.
The pre-selection results will be announced on Wednesday 15 January 2025.
For the selected candidates/groups, the participation fees for the final are:
- €100 for one discipline in individual competitions.
- €150 for two disciplines in individual competitions.
- €75 per candidate for duo groups competitions
- €50 per candidate for trio groups competitions
- €35 per candidate for 4 to 8 dancers ensemble competitions.
- €315 for 9 or more dancers ensemble competitions.
Please make ONLY ONE payment per entry, even for group entries, quoting the name of the candidate/group and Prix 2025.
In case of cancellation, no registration fee will be refunded. A medical certificate will be required for the refund of the participation fee.
For the selected candidates, the music for the variation must be sent in MP3 format by midnight on 28 February 2025 at the latest. The recordings should be good quality with no applause. The name of the candidate or ensemble, the discipline and the category should also be provided. The related email should also contain information on the entry and exit of the candidate(s) and on the start of the music.
To be on the safe side, candidates should bring a copy of their music in MP3 format to the competition on a USB.
- CORPS de BALLET and CORYPHEE categories in classical ballet:
- Girls: pink tights and leotard, short skirt allowed
- Boys: t-shirt, singlet or white shirt, grey or black tights.
- CORPS de BALLET and CORYPHEE categories in contemporary dance:
- Authorised: leotards and tights, trousers, shorts, bra tops, close-fitting t-shirt (no loose clothing)
- PRINCIPAL and ENSEMBLE categories: in costume.
Accessories are forbidden unless required by repertoire variations in the classical ETOILE category (fan, tambourine, etc.).
Dimensions: 12 meters across, 10 meters deep, 4 wing entrances on either side, black Harlequin dance mat, Harlequin sprung floor, white backdrop. There is space to move behind the stage via stairs.
Full stage lighting will be on throughout the competition.
Resin or any other non-slip product cannot be used on the dance mat.
The jury will be made up of Principal Dancers who have been invited to perform at Les Hivernales de la Danse Gala.
The jury’s decision is final and cannot be appealed.
The jury is free to decide whether to award a prize, or not.
Participants will be judged according to the following criteria:
- Technical
- Artistic
- Maintaining the style and choreography in repertoire variations
- Creativity and ensemble for the groups
The prize ceremony will take place at the end of the day, after the show “Evolution: Belgium’s Dance Talents” during the jury’s deliberation from the jury.
All winners will be called on to the stage; they will be asked to remain in their competition clothing, according to their category.
The 1st prize winner for each category will win €250.
The Classical Grand Prix des Hivernales, €500, will be given to a Classical candidate or an ensemble.
The Contemporary Grand Prix des Hivernales, €500, will be given to a Contemporary candidate or an ensemble.
Other prizes will be awarded in the form of courses or gifts from our partners.
If the 1st prize or the Classical/Contemporary Grand Prix winner wishes to take part in a new edition, he/she will automatically be entered in the higher category, regardless of his/her age. Attention, the 1st prize or the Classical/Contemporary Grand Prix winner in the Etoile category will not be allowed to compete again in his or her discipline, except in the ensemble category. He/She may take part in the competition as a « out of category », if he/she wish to present their work to the jury as a demonstration.
Public access
An audience will be allowed to watch the competition although applause is prohibited. Seats are available here and will also be on sale on the day at a price of €40. Tickets give access to all the Prix des Hivernales categories, to the “Evolution” show and to the awards ceremony, which takes place a few minutes after the show.
Teachers or choreographers will be allowed on stage with their students for the fifteen minutes between each category. To watch the competition and the awards ceremony from the audience, as well as the show “Evolution”, they will need a paid admission ticket.
A bar will serve drinks and snacks throughout the day.
Image rights
Photos and videos are not permitted.
Candidates authorise the use of their image for event promotional material.
Medical care
The candidates or their representatives certify that they are authorized to practice dance by accepting the rules.
Le Prix des Hivernales is exempt from any liability in the event of an accident, and candidates should have their own insurance.
The organizers cannot be found civilly or criminally liable for any bodily or material damage to any person or caused by them (candidate, companion), during the competition or rehearsals, or during travel to or from the competition.
The competition organizer and its entire team, plus the theatre managers, are not liable in the case of any theft and damage among the candidates, teachers/companions or audience.
Candidates must be covered by their own civil liability insurance.
Acceptance of the rules and regulations
Participation in the competition implies full acceptance of the rules.
Not following the rules or improper behaviour will lead to direct elimination of the candidate in question.
The management reserves the right to make changes during the competition.